Backfilling, lather, rinse, repeat

With part I poured and waterproofed it’s time to do some backfilling. But first…

We were in NYC when they began backfilling and one of our visits was to Scholastic where we saw this floor that we liked. I’m not sure my sweetie will let me do a Clifford rug on the walls though.

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Just prior to backfilling it looked like:

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On to backfilling

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Looking NW. Footings for sauna/conservatory (foreground), SW corner of basement, and retaining walls for the terrace. Remember that many of these go 5’ below what you see here.

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We can drive in to our garage now.

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Looking SE towards conservatory.

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Sewer connection.

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Old furnace that is likely from the house that was here just prior to ours that was built in 1972.

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Racks of forms ready for creating more walls.

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Lather, rinse, repeat…  The lower of two terrace walls.

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Oops. But only a little.

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Wall forms are kind of like a giant lego kit.

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Two types of corner forms, one an inch longer than the other.

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Da boss checking the plans. Sand makes a good paperweight.

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This will be the terrace once it’s filled in.
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Good view of what was done during the first pour and what they’re forming for the second (and final).

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