Minnesota Permafrost

I’ve been overwhelmed (and a tad bit stressed) with decisions and issues and various obligations so I am behind on posts but wanted to get this one up because it is very very cool. Literally.

They began digging our main house last spring when there was still snow and frozen dirt. 


And created our own little mountain (possibly the second highest point in our county according to one geographer).

2018 w16a 0002


Then finally came summer and sunshine and warmth and lots of flowers and house progress. Mid summer they moved the bulk of our little mount to another site but left a bit for any fill that might be needed.  Who knew what yet lurked underneath.

B1200Win 116

Yesterday they began excavating for our detached garage but first had to move what was left of the dirt… And frozen dirt, ice and snow. Dirt is a quite good insulator. 

Thanks to Bob for the photo and heads up about this. I wish I’d been there to see it in person.
